The world was definitely weighing too much upon her.
Emily was thoroughly done, fatigued by and disillusioned with the events of the day, Israel, Hamas, the Gaza, the suspicious mole on her chin, the scratchy morning eyes, the too-heavy load of work to be done every time she woke up in the morning…work she really cared nothing about, except for the sizable paycheck……she needed a breather, a vacation, a getting away from it all something that would refresh her desire to be awake and alive in the world.
….and she found it, much to her surprise, in Oscar, her beautiful baby pup, her found-in-the-muddy-alley and- bathed- to- pink- and- fuzzy perfection doggie…Oscar opened her eyes and gave her joy, even before her first sip of morning coffee. Now THAT was saying something.Before her morning coffee!
That’s why, way before checking into work each morning on her home computer, she communed with Oscar first: cuddled in her 100% cotton percale sheets, that initial morning warm lick on the nose (he licked hers, she had yet to lick his, though she was getting close) Oscar letting her know he was ready to pee and have his breakfast….the first delicious soft cuddle of the day wherein they both pretended to go back to sleep and cuddle just a little bit longer…..the getting up, putting o his leash and with her coat thrown over her jammies, the first walk of the day,(was the morning air always this sweet?) just enough to let Oscar pee and do whatever else needed to be done…even picking up that whatever else and depositing it in the corner trash bin…all of this brought joy back into Emily’s world. Even his shit made her happy.
She thought: If thats not love , what is?
It was the knowledge that she was caring for something other than a list of statistics on a computer screen, paying attention to more than her morning tooth brushing, caring for more than her own sleep-tangled hair. It was caring for Oscar, showing Oscar she cared, letting him care for her right back again in the form of his bright eyes, and that appreciative toothy grin he always seemed to wear on the most adorable doggie face on the planet.
Oscar began to re-awaken Emily’s taste for existing. Was it possible that Oscar was more important than the Israel-Palestine conflict? Should she be ashamed that she cared more for this little warm squirming canine than she did for children in the war-torn parts of the world?
She felt no shame….only happiness that Oscar had come into her life.
And so she began to make plans for their future: the dachshund refuge and doggie farm: the Baron Schnappsie Von Waddle Toke Home for Homeless Doxies!
It would require a stretch of land, of course, somewhere that already had some outbuildings on it. Emily had been saving to buy an apartment in the city, but her dream of the Schnappsie Home overtook those dreams fast enough to make her start looking at real estate listings in the nearby country counties .
She could rent a car for the weekends and she and Oscar could go scouting.
Together , Emily and Oscar! Sniffing out their future together.
They’d know the right place once they set their feet and paws upon it.
By Paul DeLong
On October 28, 2023
“Oscar began to re-awaken Emily’s taste for existing. Was it possible that Oscar was more important than the Israel-Palestine conflict? Should she be ashamed that she cared more for this little warm squirming canine than she did for children in the war-torn parts of the world?” Such an interesting question, one we all grapple with, mightily. A gift that you posted this, so we can all subsume into knowing we are not alone with this dilemma between the micro and the macro.
By Paul DeLong
On October 28, 2023
“Together , Emily and Oscar! Sniffing out their future together.
They’d know the right place once they set their feet and paws upon it.”
This, along with the other warm humor towards the end, lead us from sharp questions to kindness of hope and kindness. A lead, a collar and a leash we would all well fit onto.
By Paul DeLong
On October 28, 2023
* kindlings of hope and kindness I meant to say. We could heel to these for healing, perhaps? Lol. 🙏😄