For people who are passionate about their creativity.

An online community to inspire, share work, and provide feedback — every morning

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Writing can be lonely work...
But what if it wasn't?

Imagine if writers (and everyone who wants to tap into their creativity by writing) had an online community. And a daily writing prompt that acted on their writing brains like a shot of caffeine. And a weekly writing partner to read their work and give feedback. And an online magazine to publish the best pieces of their writing each week.
And imagine if it all cost less than a daily latte.

That's Creative Caffeine Daily.

How it Works
  • Writing

    Every evening at 12:01, we’ll send you a prompt designed to help you tap into your creativity. You can choose to receive this prompt by email, or find it when you log into your Creative Caffeine dashboard.

  • Writing

    Each week of your Creative Caffeine Daily membership, you’ll be paired with a new partner. (You’ll get the name of your partner on Sunday, so you can check out their profile on the site before you send your first piece.)

  • Writing
    Giving Feedback

    The Creative Caffeine Daily platform is set up to make giving feedback to your partner easy. You can highlight phrases you particularly liked, and write comments right on the page.

  • Writing
    Receiving Feedback

    We’ll notify you once your partner has reviewed your work. You’ll be able to see what impressed, what resonated, and what your partner would like more of, right on the platform.

  • Writing

    At the end of the week, you’ll choose your favorite piece, and we will publish it in Freshly Brewed, our online magazine, for all the world to see.

Ready to get started?
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“A great idea and discipline. My best short stories have come from random prompts, and this site is a treasure trove. Even if you can't write each day, just doing this every so often can spark some amazing work”

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From our Community
Staying in the Present
This is the time we have. Just now, just this moment. The past is gone and the future hasn't happened yet. We only have now.…
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Morning Pastorale
Going through old piles of writing...this, from feels like i have written forever and forever and forever , and my stacks of old writing…
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“Take Me Home, Country Road”
I’ve been living in the Santa Cruz Mountains for fifteen years now, in a proper mountain town nestled between Redwood City and Palo Alto to…
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