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There is no way to read today’s prompt without thinking of that glorious book by E.M. Forester ROOM WITH A VIEW… made me want to go to Italy and so I have been there many times…and it never disappoints.

I believe it is the Cradle of MY Civilization.
I firmly believe that i have lived many lifetimes there…perhaps I was even one of the good Medicis……

I breathe in golden sunlight and infinite energies when i am in the presence of the Michelangelo Pieta…every time i am in its presence , i literally gasp….and

take a seat at a nearby marble
bench and stare at it for an hour at least…the sculpture is one of the greatest works of art ever created…it contains the breath of God, i firmly believe.

And of course ther is the utterly staggering DAVID….last time Peter and I were there, about four years ago, it was in chilly January, not a popular tourist time for Florence …and we had the DAVID all to ourselves.

We were practically the only people in the Academia ….and i sat with some of the guard ladies and chatted in my limited way, using all the Italian i could recall….they were very sweet…and told me they had quite gotten used to the magnificence of the DAVID and now sort of took him for granted….i had to laugh at that one…but they understood my broken Italian and totally supported my adoration of that magnificent marble …turned out, it was one of the ladies’ birthday and she ended up inviting Peter and me to her birthday dinner that night…..we did not go, but i was touched she even thought to invite us.

DAVID makes my mouth water…

And there are no windows in that part of the Academia….so it was a room with no view, except for the view of the incomparable brilliant magnificence of Michelangelo’s DAVID….what a guy!…
I will never get over that wondrous visit.

Can’t wait to go back.

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