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It’s All Music, All the Time
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Every minute, every second, every infinitesimal instant sounds notes for me on an inspiring musical scale.

At least – the very least- that’s how I experience the world as I dance my finite time through it.

Through seven decades, I’ve learned to hear life , its blasts and its watery trills, its romantic vast lyrical sweeps, its punishing staccatos , its countless forms and beauties……for some reason, blessed and cursed, music has always been the essential meaning of my life. I made a career of it, singing and performing in front of thousands of people , letting the
music I heard in any particular script, words on a page, resonate through me….as if I have been some kind of aural/oral interpreter, an electrified and energetic sound system, sent into this world to musically proclaim it into being, for myself and others.

The sounds of trees and grass courted by the wind….the voices of ponds, rivers and brooks chirping away, and the indescribable intricacies of birdsong….I’ve felt them run through me like a benign electricity, all my life……could it be I even remember the melody of my mothers heartbeat, as i grew in the womb?

I wouldn’t be surprised.
My ears have always led me, far more than any of my other senses.
Combine that open channel of hearing with a solid sense of perfect pitch, and you have an imperfect audience member cringing if anyone on a stage in front of me is the slightest bit off key or under pitch…it’s agonizing for me, like working too hard at the gym, staring silently with my entire body strives to psychically help the bad singer sing better….to just reach the right note. It is exhausting.

And yet, the world around me is a symphony I adore and explore, so that even the harsh and unpleasant sounds of a world in conflict or a heavy metal band ( they’re the same thing aren’t they?) are sounds I seek to analyze and understand.

To me, all sounds are music of one sort or another.

Life ,I guess you might say, has always sung to me. It’s how I’ve navigated.
So much so, in fact, so intensely, that even total silence has a music all its gorgeous own.
I adore silence….but really, only as just another contrasting form of music……silence like soothing silk.

It all sings.
Music of the spheres, and all that jazz.

I am its enthusiastic chorus member, its committed, devoted band member, its slavish acolyte.
I imagine even Death has its unique music as well.
So, what’s to fear?

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