I’m never at a loss for words.
Since i got into the habit of writing in journals, filling many invitingly blank white pages, when i was as young as 15 years old, and since i hooked into a great creative writing teacher Miss Connell, in high school, I opened a free highway, a conduit, if you will, for all the thoughts and feelings and ideas and stuff that my creative and emotional mind has ever come up with….. of thought and expression. I am an open highway.
I therefore have developed into an easy writer.
I think, with barely a hold on the thoughts as they each arrive, and i write down, or type down on my blank screen, all that flows through my open mind…i have learned through the years to trust that my Muse is always with me…she needs no inviting….she is always at my service.
So there are always new words crowding into the old…though they rarely crowd, since i seem to have plenty of space in my mind/brain for more and more thought, more and more words.
I adore, worship and swim luxuriously in words. The more words the merrier, so i have learned that the more I pare down my easy expression, my non-stop flow of thoughts and words…the more i pare them down, the better and more powerful my writing becomes. I like editing.
I edit easily.
Part of the discipline i learned when i wrote an 800-word column for The Marina TIMES for seven years….id write and write , then package it all into a neatly structured 800-word piece…..it came easily for me to do so.
I’m not good at editing and then re-writing my memoir or any other on-going piece, because i give up and think that no one will ever read what i write anyway….i’ve 70,000 words of that memoir sitting in a notebook on a shelf….will probably never see the light of day…or anyone else’s eyes….
But i love editing things to fit a required word count.
I can do that.
Though I never submit things to be published anymore…that entire thing feels like an exercise in futility to me….some days i think “….words words words, I’m so sick of words…” but that is a lyric from MY FAIR LADY, not my real thought….i adore words actually, and swim in them, dance with them, roll around in the hay with them, make full and voluptuous love with them as much as i can.
So, my relationship with words, both old and new, is a wanton one.
You cannot tame the shrew in me when it comes to words.
So old and new, no crowding need occur….let the words roll on!