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Maggie Smith and Paul
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So, today, I read that the inestimable, irreplaceable, inspirational and un-imitatable Dame Maggie Smith is gone from this earthly realm, off for an eternal tea date with her fellow Dames of the theatrical persuasion…i can only imagine the dish served with all that celestial tea….talkabout wanting to be a fly on the wall!

She, the great, well-trained and multi-faceted, deeply gifted actress haas been the backdrop for my entire life as an actress , and i can honestly say, she has always been my Muse.

With her gone, part of my spirit becomes unhoused, but eventually we all have to learn to walk alone, right?
She, the magnificent Dame Mags, has been the luscious glue holding my self-concept as a creature of the stage together…with her gone, my hold on the noble profession of show is slightly ore tenuous.

Much like the sheer coincidental fact ( pretty sure they did not collude on this) that today marks the 2nd anniversary of hear Pauls death as well.

What more can i say…the House of my Spirit is suffering from the empty nest syndrome today.

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