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Barbara sat slumped on the edge of a bed.

The dim bulb overhead struggled to fill the dingy motel room with light. Details were hard to pick out, but Barbara didn’t need decent lighting to know what the room looked like. Grimy wallpaper, scuffed carpet, threadbare blankets, an uncomfortable looking chair, and on a battered dresser the requisite antique television carrying no more than five channels. Nothing interesting or out of the ordinary. She knew that if she opened the top drawer of the beside table she would find a Gideon’s Bible staring back at her.

Tired hands caressed throbbing temples, pushing back strands of greasy hair. Eyes that felt like sandpaper studiously ignored the bottle nestled in a brown paper bag sitting next to her. At this distance she could feel it calling to her, an incessant nagging, like that of an old friend.

Three familiar figures appeared in her mind’s eye.

The one dressed in glowing white robes berated her, finger wagging up and down. What was she doing here? Didn’t she know better? Nothing good would come of staying here. It never did. Why not listen to reason for once and seek help?

Its counterpart stood on her other shoulder. Red eyes gleamed hungrily. A silky smooth voice offered condolences. It was not her fault any of this happened. It never was. Her medicine lay on the bed next to her. Indulge and the pain would leave. All she had to do was reach out her hand. Resistance was futile, so why waste energy in this pointless dance?

Between the two stood the lesser angel. They looked as haggard and worn out as Barbara felt. Bloodshot eyes, stubbled cheeks, dirty clothes. Barely fit to be called an angel, and yet definitely not a demon either. It offered up little more than a shrug. Why bother? Drink wouldn’t help, not really. Besides, she had a long way to travel tomorrow, and a splitting headache would only make the journey more arduous. Sleep. That was the only thing that would help now.

For once, Barbara was inclined to agree. There was no going back, but the pain wasn’t so bad this time. She lay back and let her eyes slip closed. Within moments consciousness faded.

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