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This is an easy one
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I will go to my grave not understanding many more things than I understand….i will never understand enough to satisfy my boundless curiosity….oh so many things to learn, constantly….a need to know has driven my 7-decades long life.

However, here is something I immediately do not understand and would love to know more about as soon as possible: why my partner for this week (who i dearly hope to hear from, I’m so hooked on their initial presentation…is it a he or a she or a they?)why my partners name is (and i do need to put this in quotation marks, because of not knowing how else to write it, frankly) why is my CreativeCaffeine partner for the week calling themslves “Snail Always at Home”? ? ?

Hello, Snail Always at Home!

Let me assure you, I honor names, and respect a persons choice to name themselves anything they wish to be called, and as intrigued as I am, wanting to know why your choice is that of a small mollusk that I have often put to death in my gardens before they had a chance to ruin my tomatoes, you owe me no explanation. And i respect that. Heck! I even hold a grudging admiration for you, a total stranger, for choosing such an imaginative and provocative name….Snail Always At Home….dear Snail.

I smile as I type it, and bear it a grudging giggle as the name troops itself so somberly in front of my eyes.
There is a ritualistic feel to the name….dare I say Asian? Ceremonial. A simple statement of fact: this is a creature , this Snail person, who is a natural introvert and wishes me to know that…perhaps a person of a certain age, much like my own? A person who calls themselves that because he , she or they wanted me to ask him, her or them Why that four-word name?

My first thoughts, as i lay in bed contemplating how to satisfy this first prompt of the week, were of the little mollusk itself, with its rounded shape and messy habits, the little silver slime trail it leaves behind, decorating my gardens with glittery evidence that yes, the snails had come to feast. The output of the mollusk and its kind, unable to travel through the world without leaving part of its digestive processes behind….is my Snail a trail blazer as such? Leaving literary slime behind (and i use that word in the most complimentary sense) so i will know it has visited me?

Is this partner of mine for the week so vivid and challenging an artist?
I can only pray so….because never, in my two years of Creative Caffeinary have i ever wanted to hear from a partner so much….i deeply yearn to read my Snails trails.

So, please….if only I knew the language of snails – please do let me hear from you.

Fondly, i promise not to salt you…as i wish you no harm……just steer clear of my tomatoes.


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