Promises? what are those? Trump has made a shitload of promises and has kept none of them…except the promise to destroy our government.
I am too cowardly to do anything violent to rid ourselves of trump, so no need to worry I will go crazier than I already am and kill him in one of the many scenarios I imagine as I fall asleep at night.
So don’t bother to look me up and complain that i am a violent rebel who wishes Trump dead…I do wish him dead and all the people who support him too( can you imagine being left with that Vance creature?)..but worry not, i cannot commit violence, i can only wish it…. ..but i can relish wishing only bad things for Trump and his ilk, so no need to report me and my violent fantasies..because that is all they are: fantasies .
I could never actually kill Trump but that does not stop me from wishing someone else would kill him and rid us of the disease he has brought to our civilization.
I abhor Trump and all he stands for…i do wish him to be done away with…and all the people who support him need to be gotten rid of as well…but, as repeatedly stated
above, i am too cowardly to take any real action.
I can only write and write and write some more.
And in my writing, i hope to stimulate hours of respite in which I am rid of trump from my thoughts for a while…….or at least get me out of the Trump rut I am in so i can write some other stuff.
But….one last thing….that horrifying man has made many promises and he has indeed made a mockery of most of those promises….he is the king of the bait-and-switch, the greasy deal, the slip and slide into personal greedy self-aggrandizement….and that is probably because of promises his awful parents must have made to him early on that made a mockery of anything truly good…..like love and decency and fair play and strength being in the caring for others….no doubt, he received many a false piece of propaganda about the elements that compose a decent man, so that he grew into the stunted grotesquerie , the imitation of man he now embodies….his parents’ messages of poison and false merit, topped off with a generous portion of rancid whipped cream from his diseased mentor of a lawyer Roy Cohn, who taught him, among other things that if you never back down and repeat a lie often enough , people will begin to believe it as truth….Trump learned that lesson far too well. Alas.
ANYWAY: what is also truer than i care to admit is this simple truth: we have all made promises that we have made mockery of….none of us is perfection, all honor and soothing behaviors….we are flawed and fearful and frantic…we do the best we can….I am an old woman now, and am extremely happy with the years I have spent living through all the things we are forced to live through…i like where i have now come to roost…a contented fat hen of a vaguely artistic woman (though not as fat as I was, thanks to Ozempic)- , a woman who has given pleasure to others in many ways, taught younger others how to do the same, and have had the gift of being able to appreciate where I have come from and where I might be headed….BUT, I am sure that if i could bear it and had the patience to cudgel it out of memory and write it down, I am sure I could come up a list of promises I have given the innocent lie to…sometimes maybe not so innocent.
And so, as I have often been forced to admit, there are little bits of the wretched Trump in me and in all of us, I imagine….and it is that capacity for falseness and deception, that possibility that we too have betrayed our promises to others, that make me hate that man so very much .
He is, sad to say, made of the same human stuff that makes up all of us.
I am humble enough to admit that, but I, at least, am capable of feeling some shame.
Trump cannot admit to shame, or error or anything else that could be perceived as an imperfection in his stony wall of defense and obstruction.
And for that, I pity him.
For it is in our ability to regret that our hearts beat the purer blood of forgiveness.
Yet…..sadly…I cannot forgive Trump.
Go figure.