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What Keeps Her Up At Night?
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The World – if I’m going to anthropomorphize her , I should capitalize her, right?- THE WORLD is a busy thing. A very large and very very busy thing. In fact,THE very largest and the very busiest thing in our cosmos, unless of course there are larger and busier planets we have no knowledge of. Even so, it’s difficult to imagine anything larger or busier than THE WORLD we call our home, except perhaps the Cosmos itself, but IT never sleeps at all, I imagine…if IT did, we would all instantaneously disappear, since if the Cosmos slumbers the realities we are become dreams…..but who is to say we not dreams? ANYWAY……..I envision the Cosmos as an extremely woke and constantly conscious thing. It blinks for any length of time and we cease to be.

Comparisons aside, THE WORLD – our WORLD – is indeed an extremely large and very busy dame…..wearing many gorgeous hats and lots of extravagant scarves.
She (come on, a thing this fertile, this embracing, this welcoming has to be female or a very fashionable trans or gay man))…THE WORLD, she has plenty of space, head space, dream space, breathing space, existence space to hold all events, all human activities, all moments of sheer being, and so I would imagine our dear WORLD has many a restless night. Camomile tea has no effect….Sleepy Time ? Forget about it.
She lies awake most nights.

I know I do.

And if an evil demon like Trump and his devilish doings keep me awake at night, can you imagine how plagued THE WORLD must be by the orange excrement we call Prez, multiplied by many, because, as dire and untenable as Donald Trump is in our part of the world, there are many other evil men with rotten intentions all over the world, and I imagine these pests keep THE WORLD up and uncomfortably itching most of the time.

It’s as if the evil humans with lousy intentions are monstrous fleas or termites, eating away at the foundation of our solid goodness. …our corporate integrity….our health.

Evil misfortunates like Donald Trump and his comrades are the restless leg syndrome of consciousness. They live to make us miserable. And too often, they succeed.

And THE WORLD, sad thing, has more creepy crawlies plaguing her than she can sometimes endure, and that’s when she gets upset and makes earthquakes, diseases, tsunamis, tornados and other destructions to attempt to shake the pests from her body.

It’s not polite for us as individuals to contemplate killing off these evil men and women ourselves…..killing, assassination , extermination, outright one-on-one pre-meditated murder are all frowned upon in what we call civilized society….But THE WORLD lives by another code. Its rules are…..well….there is no Supreme-er Court…THE WORLD will do what She will, and there’s damned little we can do about it.

So, let’s acknowledge that THE WORLD has plenty to keep Her up at night.

If I lie awake concocting ways to torture , maim and kill our paltry politicians here in our slowly dissolving democracy, and if those fevered imaginings bring me a certain degree of solace, of comfort, of imagined personal power, and if these imaginings keep me thoroughly wide awake night after night, imagine the power of all the Evil that Keeps THE WORLD awake. Talk bout insomnia ….

With Trump at large in the general populace, I imagine THE WORLD gets very little sleep at all.

Whether She is planning vengeance, celebration, militaristic tumult, or yet another plane crash, we have no way of knowing. But THE WORLD as we know it is an extremely resourceful creature, and all we can do is trust, pray, take Ambien or whatever else helps, and let THE WORLD do what she will .

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