Captain's Log 31st December, in the year of our Lord 1633 The harsh rays of the sun beat down on us on this, the last day of the year. Despite the harsh conditions, the crew are in good spirits. Fair…
View writing[A bit of writing, fiction, just exercise] She doesn't believe in religion. But she's perfectly happy believing in a higher power, likes the idea of fate, that angels are watching over her. Which is why when an angel comes to…
View writingLeave the questions behind you. Everyone thinks they have the answers. But no one does. Really. We’re all trying to figure it out. And if anyone tells you they know how you need to breathe stand speak decide, don’t believe…
View writingNOTE: this is off topic, a rewrite of a longer story I'm working one. But this is the beginning of it This isn’t where we started out, Keith and I. We started out at the other end of this great…
View writingCaroline knew it wasn’t her best moment, and yes, she’d procrastinated, watching the clock tick past her self-imposed deadline. Still, she didn’t deserve to be chewed out like this. “It was just an off day,” she said, finally filling the…
View writingI thought all angels were perfection. Flawless. Pure. White. Light. Capable of no wrong. Where there are angels, there are no shadows,....i thought. Angels...the opposite of devils....Angels =white hats...devils =black hats....easy to discern between the sits on your left…
View writingThe World - if I'm going to anthropomorphize her , I should capitalize her, right?- THE WORLD is a busy thing. A very large and very very busy thing. In fact,THE very largest and the very busiest thing in our…
View writingDespite his parents' hardships, Don projected himself as a peer of the privileged kids in his class. He grew his hair long, rather than let his mom cut it poorly. He wore tattered jeans to reflect a hippy cool vibe.…
View writingI've been on this planet for a human century now. It's a hardship outpost, as you may know, so I'll have my choice of the galaxies soon enough. Many thanks to the galactic spirits, as I tire of these human…
View writingBarbara sat slumped on the edge of a bed. The dim bulb overhead struggled to fill the dingy motel room with light. Details were hard to pick out, but Barbara didn't need decent lighting to know what the room looked…
View writingFlickers of neon light painted the sky in bold colours. They reflected off darkened windows, putting the pale blue glow of halogen lamps to shame. The street facing sides of every skyscraper possessed a billboard at least three times the…
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