(Note: This follows what I sent yesterday.) I pressed Casserly’s number. He answered on the first ring. “Hayduke isn’t coming.” “I know.” “He called you?” “It’s protocol. Tomorrow or the next day isn’t an option?” “Not unless I also want…
View writingI am a little down this morning following last week's new political low which has caused me to reflect a moment. Among my peers, successful men and women, who worked in a variety of industries, medicine, tech, entertainment, finance, but…
View writingLong-running Broadway shows are sometimes called to task, if the performing company gets too lackadaisical , too lazy, too bored, with night after night performances and the show suffers. The original sparkle of the show, in the early stages, sometimes…
View writingThe yoga retreat I attended last summer was lovely. I got out of it exactly what I needed—renewal, inspiration, and release. But my overall sense of peace was dampened by my consciousness of the privilege that enabled me to be…
View writingWhy are we not more amazed? The sun illuminates clouds from below, touching them with a painter’s brush replete with soft pastels and fiery glow. Buds unfurl, every stage of spring evident at the end of still-naked branches suggesting that…
View writingWhy are we not more amazed? We can pick up our feet again. Our feet hold our physical weight— but more, the weight of living. We don’t thank our feet and toes enough for all they carry. Why are we…
View writing[Short fiction] When the water dried up, it's not like it was unexpected. No rain the first year, no problem, the dam, the aquaducts all still had water, enough for cities and counties for miles in all directions. We were…
View writing“Amazing!” we say. “Incredible.” Well, the latter is the preferred word of accolades, particularly in an awards ceremony. Everyone is thanked and acknowledged for their “incredible performances.” In other words, there was the understood belief that each of these actors…
View writingBlooms of light sprayed across the sky in showers of sparks. Red, green, purple, yellow. A veritable cacophony of colour. Subdued 'oohs' and 'aahs' echoed through the crowd, accompanied by a smattering of applause. With every passing minute the display…
View writingThe echo of the cheers rang in her head. The excitement of the parade still gave her goosebumps. Her pride in the way her husband's corn-blond hair and blue eyes contrasted with his grey uniform with the red piping had…
View writingThank God my sister Kerry committed her time caring for our parents when they needed more care with every passing year, then every passing month. Family never meant enough for me to stick around, instead I moved 3000 miles away…
View writingOld-Man Nelson, a short, barrel of a man stood between the vine rows fingering the shoots off the first vine. He wore gray-black sweat pants tucked into black rubber boots caked with mud, a hooded sweat-shirt, blotched with paint and…
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