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A Very Basic Similarity
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We are writers!

Yes, we humans….well, actually all we living breathing creatures…are alike in physical needs, certain structural ways, i daresay even in emotional aspects as well, since it seems everything alive seems to know fear…and love….and happiness.

But, more essentially, there are those of us who love to…need to…must…write.
i wonder if in the animal kingdom there is an equivalent need…to somehow express, communicate, let be known deepest feelings, through some form of language, be it a roar, or a chirp, or a squeak….a hiss?

Meanwhile, back at the human ranch, we make funny looking scribbles onto a blank space and send those scribbles out into the universe hoping to make a best seller out of them, or at the very least be intercepted by a person on a beach picking up a floating bottle….we write, you and I, dear reader, because we want to write..and as stated above, we need to…we could not stop if someone demanded we stop…..we’d be the ones in a dungeon cell who’d scratch their presence into the stone walls….we would find a way to write.
“we were here and we need you to know it”….”and while we are at it, here’s what i think about that…”

I’ve kept personal journals since i was 15 years old.
I wrote and wrote and wrote in furious solitude, in the loneliness that only the young seem to need to force upon themselves, yet never once did i ever forget about the audience that one day might find my journals and read them…dare i hope publish them, so that I’d be viewed as a latter day Anais Ninn…..I’d score the future by the sweat of my hands, and my aching fingers…i always felt i’d let them all know i was here…
i feel less that way now….but that does not stop my writing.
I know better than to think anyone will ever remember I was here…oh, maybe for a generation of those I manage to touch, manage to heal and change….but as for the Future, with that capital F? A Shakespeare I am not.

And yet, i keep writing.
I search for ways to write, group after group, journal volume after journal volume….Creative Caffeine prompt, partner after partner.. there are days, no matter how full my schedule, when I only come alive once I sit down to write…and/or, when i receive the good writing of my partner to inspire me, as was the case today.

I daresay, dear smart partner, you feel this way as well, perhaps for different reasons, but you write because you want/need to write/choose to write/ache to write/must write, especially when you know there is someone at the receiving end.

And, in that way, you are like me.
I believe that fact blesses us both.


Great topic to address here:
“But, more essentially, there are those of us who love to…need to…must…write.
i wonder if in the animal kingdom there is an equivalent need…to somehow express, communicate, let be known deepest feelings, through some form of language, be it a roar, or a chirp, or a squeak….a hiss?”
Oh, I think this is a very big yes. Owning cats, I know that mere body position and occupation of place are very significant elements of very important conversations.
“…make a best seller out of them, or at the very least be intercepted by a person on a beach picking up a floating bottle….”
Very nicely juxtaposed examples!

“I’ve kept personal journals since i was 15 years old…” Oh fair gifted one, you! I am jealous!
“I wrote and wrote and wrote in furious solitude, in the loneliness that only the young seem to need to force upon themselves…”
More good writing! You are telling my story!

“…are i hope publish them, so that I’d be viewed as a latter day Anais Ninn….” Now there’s a fantasy worth exploring… even just as a fictional short story!

“…And, in that way, you are like me.
I believe that fact blesses us both…”
Indeed. Indeed.
PS: I am obviously not gone yet. I want to save all my work, but I’ve been told it will be lost if I leave, and the only way to save it is to manually cut and paste it, piece by accursed piece, lol. I don’t have the energy for that at the moment, so I am a hostage here, enjoying my Stockholm syndrome. Got any crackers or a file for shearing iron bars? Lol. I don’t even have a harmonica! Pass me a note from your cell if you like!

Yaaaay…’re here!
More tomorrow dear gallant man!
We are prisoners of words! There are worse confines!
Sleep well….

I like when I am locked in the writer’s jail. It’s when the distraction guard sneaks in and pushes me out to be lost in mindless impulsive yearnings that I become unhappy. Staying in the jail is damn hard. You’re my partner this week of March 11, 2024. I’m sharing a chapters of ‘Taste of Homeless’ all week.
John Ash, Writer

Thanks John…..welcome to Creative Caffeine!

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