She could see the box had once been a shoe box probably a pair of Mary Janes. That was Aunt Lu’s shoe of choice for as long as Violet could remember. She could see what it once was now as an adult. But when it was given to her on her sixth birthday, she only saw a wishing box. Creased and folded gold paper covered the entire box and lid. The bottom was covered with shear tissue butterflies, bright blooming flowers, swirls of yellow paint, an azure blue open cockpit plane. An octopus on one end and mermaid on the other. The lid had a pink crown painted off center with tiny clear gems attached at its tips. In shimmering purple letters was painted-Violet’s Set of Wishes.
Violet had set it away so many years ago. She didn’t remember the exact reason though she knew it was the day she had stopped believing. She had pulled down the pile of winter sweaters from the top shelf of her teenage closet and shoved it into the back corner, tossing the sweaters back on top of it.
When she was doing her vision board something bit at her heart, nibbled on her mind. There was a wish in the box that she should include. What was it? She couldn’t remember and she wasn’t going back. A vision board was for the future.
Now that the cat had thrown up on her newly completed board, the nibble returned. She could hear the words in her head as clearly and seperate from her as if someone was whispering into her ear. “That board was not complete. And cat knew it.”
The box had included a stack of small cards that resembled the old library check out slips. Slightly yellowed, they were about half the size of a standard index card, lines ran across the short side. They were bundled together with a thin red ribbon tied in a box. Three pens were tucked into the ribbon with a note that dangled from the gathering. “Violet, your wishes are priceless and will come true. Write them down and keep your set together here with other memories and treasures. You are loved always, Auntie Lu”
Violet sat on the floor of her bedroom. Her parents television blaring through the walls. The box on her lap. She took a breath and heard her Aunt say, “Courage. You can do it.” Violet lifted the lid.