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All the joy in the world
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After two nights of attending the Claim Your Joy workshop with the wonderful Amy Ferris and Debra Engle of Story Summit, I find that joy manifests itself in different ways… I derive joy from writing my stories, and tonight my joy shined through John, Paul, George and Ringo, the Beatles, on Get Back while I watched part 3 for the third time. I got out the Beatles chord book, a Beatles bible among many who play their music, along with my ukulele and I played along with the Beatles as if I was there. I know Let It Be and Get Back the best. But needed to check on the others. don’t Let Me Down, I’ve got A Feeling and one after the 909….

I loved every minute… the joking, playing random songs and past Beatles songs… the rooftop performance. All of it… in the end, they were close. There was love. I could feel the joy pour through my veins… still to this day, 58 years later when my mother and I became instant Beatles fans… their music brings me true joy. Playing and singing along with them does too… I’ve claimed my joy. Writing is music and music is writing… and the Beatles show me the way. Every single time.

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