I’ve had wonderful dachshunds in my life…
it all began when my father bought us Baron Schnapsie von Waddle Toke….because his little tukus (tucchis?)…his little rear end waddled when he walked…i remember Schnapsie like it was yesterday and now i am in love with dachshunds forever…Paul and i bought little mini dachshunds when we went to see Measure for Measure at Stratford in Canada….claudio and isabelle….we bought mini dachshunds into our ives from then on…then peter and i bought sally and cyrano….and I’ve had dachshunds in my life for decades…
happiness really is warm puppy….i have no dogs now..too much trouble to walk them…but maybe one day again..
i love the smell of puppies…like corn chips..that marvelous corny smell….sweet puppies…i adore puppies..and i make friends with whatever dog crosses my path to this day…they can sense that i love them…they know i am their friend…i adore dogs …dogs are the better part of our nature….
Puppies… puppies are the answer for world peace…
i have more empathy for dogs than i do for people…i honestly am numb to people dying by gunshot..but i can never get over even the merest mention of cruelty to a dog….
give all world leaders doggies and make then walk hem and take care of them….give world leaders puppies! i shall start a campaign for getting all world leaders new and freshly mischievous puppies….make them all take their doggies for long walks in the country and bond with their dogs…puppies for world peace!!!!
PFWP Puppies for World Peace!!!!!