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I Didn’t Ask for This
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I never asked for your money. I never asked for your love. And I definitely didn’t ask for this. Your kid shows up and tells me stories about you. Can it be true? Should I call the police? She just left and I sit here in your mansion, frozen.

I could never tell my friends about us. They’d never forgive me for this dalliance with a billionaire guy, a married one. They’d tear me apart for this double, triple, life. They’d be in a fury that I’d lied to them for these past months. Gone away on business. Gone away on retreat. I wasn’t anywhere other than staying here pretending I belonged. Stay as long as you want, do whatever you want. Invite your friends over—all when you were gone somewhere else.

That would have been funny. Hey gang, I’m seeing this guy who you’ll never meet but I’m throwing a party at his house where I’ve been staying. His private chef will come and make vegan snacks for us. We’ll drink his wine from a literal cellar.

No, that would never happen, especially now that my fun has ended. A young woman who is your daughter who somehow knew about me and knew I was here. How else did she know to show up today and tell me she needed to talk. As if she needed a friend, or a parent. She said terrible things had happened to her when you all were a family. But she couldn’t remember if it was you, or someone else.

I asked why she was telling me this. She said she no one else. She couldn’t sleep. She was going to drop out of Santa Cruz. She couldn’t think.

I hugged her and told her she needed to find a family friend, or a therapist, or go to the police. I told her that I wished I could help. She left. I am destroyed by this poor girl’s plight.

I never fucking asked for a family mess. I was just here for fun. I was playing house with you, mr rich man. Didn’t you see it, playing house, playing kept woman. But your house is filled with scary things and I need my friends to come and save me.

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