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It’s near but not here
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The leaves start betraying the summer. Announcing, subtly at first, that their end is near. They have one last dash of beauty to share with the world before their inevitably float away. Their green shade starts burning with amber, yellow or deep purple. The tree becomes another piece of art, ready for the fall family summer shoot.

The sun starts crawling into bed earlier and waking up a little bit later. Rest. The sun also needs a break. Soon the time will change to accommodate its new schedule (and confuse us)

The weather fluctuates, threatening cold mornings and evenings, and warm summer days. Back and forth, confusing even the most stable core body temperature.

We are near winter, and swimming through the transition is the way to enjoy the change that happens (whether we like it or not).

Pull out the cute peacoat, bring out the season’s hats, the warm gloves and the pumpkin spice.

The stores are ahead of the trees. They’ve pulled out the christmas trees and lights (every year a few days earlier, to help us remember that the holidays are near.)

The fall waves the summer away with gusty winds and rhythmic swirls – whoosh, whoosh whoosh.

The birds spring up, heading to the summer parties down south. Carnaval, here they come!

The bees simmer down, missing sweet flowers and warmer days.

Another year. Be grateful.


The leaves start betraying the summer. Announcing, subtly at first, that their end is near. They have one last dash of beauty to share with the world before their inevitably float away. Their green shade starts burning with amber, yellow or deep purple. The tree becomes another piece of art, ready for the fall family summer shoot.” I am appreciative of the languorous elegance of this entire paragraph. Lush. “We are near winter, and swimming through the transition is the way to enjoy the change that happens…” A supportively thought-provoking sentence.
“The fall waves the summer away with gusty winds and rhythmic swirls –” lovely phrase including both sensory experience and personification.
“The birds spring up, heading to the summer parties down south. Carnaval, here they come!” Cheerful, uplifting, whimsical. Thanks for posting!

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