You know how it is: you send an email, a text, even a snail mail and wait with bated breath for an answer. Do you get an answer? Officially, no. In reality, no answer is the answer.
It’s also cowardice. It doesn’t matter how uncomfortable the topic or how much you don’t want to give someone an answer you anticipate s/he doesn’t want to hear. Just say something. Please.
This behavior goes along with two other pet peeves of mine. One is euphemisms. When my late husband died, that’s what he did–die. He didn’t “pass,” “pass on,” or pass anywhere. He didn’t get on a boat and sail down the River Styx. He died–at my feet, suddenly. I thought if one more person asked me “when did he pass?” I’d scream.
The other is saying something in such an obfuscated way that someone says “you said that so nicely.” What s/he really means is that you told someone something negative by pretending it wasn’t. From small nits to large problems, mealy-mouthism prevails. “It would be so helpful if you could just pick up one or two little items at the store for me.” Translation: “I don’t want to shop. I’d rather you did it for me.”
When will it end? Not any time soon. It makes silence and “no answer” look good.