When I am presented with the subject of health care, my response is always, “You know I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976 because he promised a national healthcare system. That was 48 years ago, what the fuck?”
Then I go into my story of being stationed in Scotland when I was in the Navy.
During my last month there I finally took my trip around Europe. I was short on money so the trip was on a “shoestring”. What does that mean or where did it come from? I’m not sure.
Anyway, it wasn’t on five dollars a day, thank you Mr. Frommer (now dead).
Some days it was zero a day and I was on my own. I remember in Paris picking up half of a baguette and that was my dinner. No bullshit.
Anyway, I was hitchhiking back to my car in Dover. I did have a car in Dover and not a centime in my pocket.
There was a young French dude also hitchhiking on my route, We soon ended up in the same car and the deal we struck was that I would give him a ride to Oxford, where he was studying for the summer and he would float me money for food, etc, until I picked up my Navy check at the American Express Office in London. Deal.