The face of happiness looks at you with crinkles below the eyes. The face of happiness will not lie to you, nor is it a coward, it will not and does not wear cosmetics. The face of happiness is bold, has a sharp eye that does not turn away from the conventional displeasures. The face of happiness has a brow that is furrowed with a quizzical curiosity that is not letting go, nor grasping too tightly. The face of happiness holds you loosely, as if you are a cat being moved from one part of the room to another, lovingly attentive to the full extent of your furry formlessness, and yet, mindful enough cause any further shedding. If you were a dandelion puff in the hands of the face of happiness, you would still be intact, not a single seed parachute lost.
The face of happiness does not end at the hairline. The face of happiness is able to move all the muscles of its skull, to draw into alignment all the moves, relaxed enough to create a choreography of muscle languaged intelligences to draw you into your own apperception of happiness. The face of happiness asks you to participate without saying a thing. The face of happiness goes all the down the back of the skull, to bring flexibility to the tendons and fascia of the neck, and shoulders. The tingles going down your spine are part of the face of happiness. The relaxation and wellbeing descend as far as your kidneys at least, and probably farther, but your attention is drawn back to the face of happiness.
The face of happiness does not lower its gaze. The face of happiness holds your full attention and does not let go. It is not a contest, but an invitation to see what you can do that you haven’t done before. The face of happiness has eyes that are so keen to see you, you wonder what the face of happiness sees, beyond a reflection of itself. The face of happiness through its eyes, sees you as both a mirror, and a friend. The eyes in the face of happiness won’t stop asking a question that you know an answer to, but sometimes don’t want to know. The eyes in the face of happiness regard only you, as if you are the object of desire: they beckon, mock, laugh, and render a commiserative hug, all in a glance of micro-expression less noticeable than a wink.
The face of happiness has ears that wiggle, only to effect an encouragement to speak in you, so that you will know you will be heard and accepted and understood, and that the face of happiness will become fuller, and wiser, and more complete because of the magic of sound you have given it; the music of words, the miracle of something communicated that is fresh, and new and unexpected. The face of happiness is ready for it all.
The face of happiness has a nose that will wrinkle with delight when you bring it a pinched and rumpled leaf, or a rubbed petal, or a complete and inviolate flower on stem. You can even see the lungs draw all the way from the face of happiness as a deep breath savors all the gifts of splendor you will want to bring to it, simply to see the face of happiness contain even more happiness that you thought possible the face of happiness could contain. You will see the face of happiness inhale all the energies of the spheres with surprised excitement, and you will see the face of happiness exhale a new transformed portion of that energy back to you, as if giving you a full jar of cookies to you, one cookie at a time.
The face of happiness has a smile full of teeth that seem to have no point, only shine; that’s function is only to let you know you are safe, and full, and ready for more. The face of happiness wants you to know that you can handle more happiness than you think, as it has already told you it is doing the same.
The face of happiness has a strong chin that can stand on its own, but also, rest in a perfect pose upon all the earth that supports it. The face of happiness is both round and pointed, and seems to change in shape with the angles of the light, which it uses to great effect in creating a patina of warmth around all it regards. The face of happiness knows no bounds. The face of happiness waits, debonair. The face of happiness is looking at you.